Top Assignment Writing Service for ESL Students: Is EssayHub the Right Choice? - ForumDaily
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Top Assignment Writing Service for ESL Students: Is EssayHub the Right Choice?

If you’re an ESL student, you know that writing assignments in English can feel like an uphill battle. Maybe you have great ideas but struggle to put them into words. Or perhaps grammar and formatting rules trip you up, even when you understand the topic. On top of that, balancing schoolwork with everything else in life can make deadlines even more stressful.

Writing services are designed to give you extra support by providing well-written essays, editing, or guidance when you’re feeling stuck. EssayHub is one of the assignment writing services available, but is it the right fit for your needs? In this article, you’ll get a detailed look at what EssayHub offers and whether it’s worth considering.

Photo Credit: Anete Lūsiņa (anete_lusina)/Unsplash

The Needs of ESL Students

Writing assignments as an ESL student can be challenging. Here are some common hurdles you might face:

  • Difficulty with grammar and sentence structure;
  • Limited vocabulary;
  • Misunderstanding assignment instructions or academic guidelines;
  • Struggles with formatting and citations;
  • Trouble meeting tight deadlines due to the extra time needed for writing in English.

When searching for a writing service, ESL students often look for features that make the process easier and more supportive. Here’s what many students prioritize:

  • Simple communication with writers who understand language challenges;
  • Affordable pricing and discount options for tight student budgets;
  • Clear explanations of the writing process and assignment details;
  • Flexible revision policies for corrections or adjustments;
  • Services that offer editing and proofreading in addition to custom writing.

EssayHub Core Features and Services

EssayHub offers a variety of services aimed at making your academic workload more manageable:

  • Custom Writing: Whether you need an essay, research paper, or presentation, EssayHub provides custom-written assignments tailored to your instructions.
  • Assignment Writing for Various Subjects: From humanities to STEM, the writers cover a wide range of subjects, so you can get help regardless of your major.
  • Proofreading and Editing Services: If you’ve written your assignment but need help polishing it, their editing services ensure that your grammar, spelling, and formatting are on point.

The ESL-Friendly User Experience

The overall user experience is a key factor for ESL students.

Website Usability

EssayHub’s website is designed to be simple and straightforward. The homepage makes it easy to see your options and navigate to the services you need. Whether you’re placing your first order or checking in on an existing one, you won’t need to spend extra time figuring out where to go.

While there’s no built-in multilingual support on the site, the language used in their instructions and forms is easy to understand, which can be helpful if you’re still working on your English fluency.

Order Process

Ordering from EssayHub is fairly simple. You start by signing up with your email or logging in using your Google or Apple account. From there, you fill out an order form with assignment details such as the topic, length, and deadline. Next, you’ll be able to choose a writer or have one assigned to your project. You can then track progress and communicate with the writer directly until your paper is complete.

Communication with Writers

One of the standout features of EssayHub is the ability to chat directly with your writer. This option is especially useful for ESL students who may need to explain specific instructions or ask for clarification. It also allows you to check in during the writing process and provide feedback to ensure that the final result meets your expectations.

Quality of Writing

When it comes to the quality of writing, EssayHub focuses on delivering content that fits the needs of ESL students.

Language Clarity and Simplicity

EssayHub’s writers generally keep the language clear and simple, avoiding overly complex phrasing. This makes the assignments easier to read and understand, especially for ESL students who may find academic jargon overwhelming. The tone is professional but not too formal, which can make your paper feel polished without being difficult to follow.

Grammar and Structure

Most assignments from EssayHub are well-structured and free from noticeable grammar errors. The introduction, body, and conclusion flow logically, with ideas linked smoothly between paragraphs. If you provide a clear outline or specific structure you need, the service usually follows it closely.

Adherence to Instructions

EssayHub generally sticks to the instructions you provide. If you include detailed guidelines—such as specific formatting styles or required references—the writers tend to follow them carefully. However, for best results, it’s important to double-check your order form to ensure that all details are included upfront.

Pricing and Affordability

EssayHub’s pricing is competitive and varies based on the type of assignment and academic level. Here’s a breakdown of the per-page costs:

  • High school essay: $11.88
  • College essay: $12.54
  • Research paper: $12.87
  • Editing: $8.32

For students on a tight budget, the editing option is a cost-effective way to improve your writing without paying for a full custom paper.

EssayHub occasionally offers promo codes and discounts. These discounts can make the services more affordable, especially for longer projects. The platform also provides a few free features, such as formatting and revisions.

Pros and Cons of Using EssayHub as an ESL Student


  • Clear and simple language in assignments;
  • Option to chat directly with writers for clarification;
  • Services for both custom writing and editing;
  • User-friendly platform;
  • 24/7 customer support for quick assistance.


  • No multilingual website interface;
  • It takes time to pick a writer.

What ESL Students Say

Feedback from ESL students about EssayHub is generally positive. Many users mention that the writing style feels accessible and doesn’t rely on complicated phrases. Some students also highlight the quick response times from the support team, which makes resolving concerns easier.

However, a few users have noted that assignments with very detailed requirements might need a follow-up revision to get everything perfect. Overall, most ESL students find the service helpful for improving their grades and managing their workload.

Final Thoughts

EssayHub offers a range of services that cater well to ESL students, including custom essays, editing, and proofreading. The platform is easy to use, and the ability to communicate directly with writers helps ensure your instructions are followed. The writing is generally clear, grammatically correct, and formatted properly. Overall, if you’re an ESL student, EssayHub could be a helpful resource.

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