The coronavirus epidemic has sparked a boom in healthcare: how to get a medical education in the USA - ForumDaily
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The coronavirus epidemic has sparked a boom in healthcare: how to get a medical education in the USA

While a lot has been written about the potential impact of the coronavirus on the overall economy, little to no attention has been given to the impact of this virus on the healthcare job market.

Photo: Shutterstock

First, let’s objectively address current information about the coronavirus.

Similarities between coronavirus & the flu:

  1. Both cause fever, aches, and fatigue.
  2. Both can be mild, severe, and fatal. Potentially more than 80% of coronavirus cases are mild.
  3. Both can result in pneumonia.
  4. Both are treated by reducing the fever and addressing symptoms (e.g., fluid consumption, ibuprofen etc.) Severe cases can require more intensive support.
  5. Both can be prevented by frequent and thorough hand washing, staying home when sick, and other hygiene best practices.


Coronavirus as of March 11th:

  • 118,745 cases worldwide,
  • 1,004 cases in the U.S.
  • 4,284 deaths reported worldwide,
  • 31 deaths in the U.S.


  • ~1 billion cases worldwide
  • 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year
  • 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide;
  • 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year

While it is possible that the coronavirus can spread easier than the flu, the data is still being collected and more will be known in the weeks and months to come. As many cases are likely to have mild symptoms that clear up without a visit to the doctor or the hospital, it is highly likely that mortality rates of the coronavirus are overstated at this early stage.

‍Now that we have covered the similarities between coronavirus and the common flu, let’s look at the impact of flu epidemics on the healthcare job market.

The data below compares total job market growth vs. healthcare job growth from 2001 to 2013. The Red Line is the % growth in Healthcare.


And here is the same data overlaying the employment statistics with major healthcare events and the start of the Great Recession of 2008.


In times of major Economic and Healthcare events, the Healthcare job market is the one bright spot in the American labor market economy.

From 2001 to 2014, Healthcare jobs grew by 31.6%, while overall jobs grew by only 5.7%.

From 2007 to 2010, a period that captures the biggest economic recession of our times and one of the worst global pandemics, Healthcare jobs grew by 6.6%, while the rest of the labor market shrank by -6.9%

How does this impact you as a future medical professional

Right now is the right time to think about your medical career. The fast growth and opportunities, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor are in the Allied Health sector of the market. We expect for the healthcare employment for professionals such as Patient Care Technicians, Certified Nurse Aides, and Medical Assistants to continue to grow and accelerate in the next 6 months and beyond.

Consider your current credentials, your past experience, and your ideal job profile as you think about your next steps. If you are thinking about a career change, the right healthcare career education can help you earn the required credentials to enter this rapidly growing and in-demand profession. If you are a medical professional looking to extend and advance your career, acquiring additional credentials will open new opportunities for growth. Based on historic analysis and trend data, one fact is certain, as the world reacts to this new flu epidemic, and the economy contracts, the Healthcare job market is one of the only career paths positioned for growth.

Where to get a medical education quickly and for a reasonable price

You can learn a promising medical specialty at the Institute of Career Continuity.

By combining the knowledge of the company’s President who spent most of her career in medicine and the Head of Academics with over 35 years of experience in higher education academic administration, the Institute of Career Continuity has created a unique approach to career planning, education and job support. This approach helps students achieve real and lasting changes in their lives.

Photo: Shutterstock

The company has developed over 20 NY licensed programs that provide students with credentials in clinical and administrative medical professions and allow them to sit for the national certification exams.

At the school, you can become a professional that are in constant demand in the American job market:

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