Russian-speaking gays and lesbians start over in New York
More and more Russians are seeking political asylum in the United States. According to data by Radio Liberty, 2015 saw 1,454 asylum requests, 50% more than in 2014, and twice as many as in 2012. That was the highest number in the past 20 years.
Immigration lawyers say the surge is due to massive exodus of gays and lesbians from Russia after Vladimir Putin signed the law banning propaganda of nonstandard relationships among minors in 2013.
The law was heavily criticized by human rights activists and international organizations, including the U.N.; however, most of Russians support it. Levada-Center conducted a poll of public opinion, which found that 58% of Russians would like to see gays and lesbians isolated. Only 24% of those polled believe that LGBT people should be left to their own devices.
The situation in Ukraine, Belorussia, and other CIS countries is no better: LGBTs are attacked by skinheads, persecuted, harassed by law enforcers, and have no hope that the situation will get any better.
No wonder many representatives of the LGBT communities are leaving their home counties. In the U.S., gays and lesbians may count on being treated tolerantly and friendly. A turning point came in June 2015, when the Supreme Court ruled to legalize same-sex marriages in all 50 states. In late 2015, Barack Obama was featured on the cover of OUT, becoming the first U.S. president who agreed to be photographed for an LGBT magazine. The editors’ board of OUT said it was ‘a historic moment in historic year.’
Despite being able to breathe freely and not be afraid of persecution in the U.S., post-Soviet gays and lesbians are having hard times here just as any other migrants. They have to get through the same ordeals: finding a job (often illegal at first) and a place to live, fighting the high cost of healthcare, taking free English classes, and making new friends.
Fleeing abroad
Roman Morozov came in New York not so long ago. His story is like a Hollywood blockbuster, with shadowing, foreign diplomats, security service agents, and a family drama.

To escape persecution, Roman Morozov was forced to flee through Belorussia and Ukraine. Photo courtesy of Roman Morozov.
Roman was born is Russian countryside, in the town of Kovrov, Vladimir oblast. At the age of 20 he decided to take a very courageous step, as for Russia: he told his parents he was gay. They had a hard time to accept it, but Morozov was sure that gays should not go hiding. Otherwise they would not be able to prove in Russia that they are ‘just human beings, like anybody else.’
Coping with public condemnation after his coming out, Morozov got involved in public activities. Several years ago, together with his friends, he organized Gay Liberation Front in Russia.
“We were campaigning against Russian homophobes, including pop singer Valeria and LG company, to which she was a brand ambassador. … We were helping Mikhail Pishchevsky, a gay from Minsk, who was beaten for his sexual orientation. Misha subsequently died in the hospital due to his injuries,” Roman says. [The man who beat Pishchevsky to death has been released — ForumDaily.]
In addition to a Facebook group, Morozov and his associates were taking to the streets; some of them organized one-man demonstrations. In September 2015, the gay activist decided to run for the seat in the Vladimir city council. That was the first-time case in the history of local election. The election committee got very surprised, and the media started going after him.
“Journalists, if you could call them that, were competing in calling me names. ‘Sodomite’ was the mildest of them. Many residents were following, and tried to kick me downstairs when I was campaigning in their homes. Neighbors were mailing me and putting offensive notes on the door,” Morozov says describing his election campaign.
As a result, the gay activist failed to gather enough signatures, and was refused a registration. Roman thought he would be luckier in Moscow.
“But I was wrong. I am gay, and Russia doesn’t need me, whatever city I live in. At the time, I was in a relationship with a guy, and we were searching for a space to live in Moscow. Terrible! Apartment owners were refusing to rent their place to us as soon as they saw us together. It was a miracle that we finally managed to rent a room where no one was asking us why we were using only one bed,” the activist says.
Soon after, Roman was summoned to the Federal Security Service (FSB). The gay activist says they were going to initiate a criminal proceeding against him under the article on public calls to conduct extremist activities on the internet.
“The FSB serviceman had a folder on his table with printed commentaries and dialogues from VKontakte social medium, as well as my articles and discussions with readers. On the pages, the details were highlighted, and numbers written. Those were the articles of the Criminal Code, I got that straight away. Those were mostly articles 280 and 282,” Roman says. [280 and 282 cover humiliation of dignity and calls to extremist activities — ForumDaily.]
On the same day, the gay activist was contacted by a lawyer, who offered Morozov to hush up the affair for a $5,000 fee. Otherwise, he said, Morozov would face five years in prison.
As he returned home, the gay activist saw a police car near his building. He didn’t want to push his luck; Roman talked to his boyfriend, and decided to spend the night in a hotel and flee the country.
Morozov went to Minsk, and took a train to Kyiv from there. On the train, he kept thinking how he would get through passport control. Chances were his name was already in the list of people banned to travel abroad.
“That was a challenge. I gave a smile to a border guard and told him I was going to Kyiv for a conference. He took my passport and asked his colleague whether she had checked my name in the database. She said ‘not yet,’ but he said there was no need, ‘the guy seems OK’,” the gay activist recalls.
In Kyiv, Roman Morozov bought a ticket to New York and asked human rights activists for help. “In America, I was met by an employee of Ukrainian Mission in the U.N. I cannot give his name. They gave me some money to start with, and booked a hotel room for a night,” Roman says.
Morozov has moved to Georgia since then. “I am kind of settled, have a room. Some time ago all I had was some $40 in my pocket, but now I’m fine. Soon I am going to go back to New York and meet the Russian gay community there. I have a lot of ideas I should be able to implement in America,” the activist says.
A love found
Elena Goltsman, a Russian-speaking LGBT activist in New York, was not persecuted, like Roman. She came to New York from Kyiv 25 years ago with her husband as a “Jewish immigrant.” After 10 years of marriage they got divorced.
“All my life, I knew I was a lesbian. Silence is death. But how was I supposed to say that? That was my problem. It was a tragedy for my entire family,” she says.
Eventually, Elena had been understood and accepted. Four years ago she remarried to a music teacher Barbara. The two women met in synagogue. The wedding was held under Jewish traditions, with 150 guests, none of whom turned their backs on them, but supported the couple.
“Russian-speaking people and children in the U.S. came to understanding that, for instance, if mom and dad divorced — that’s a problem. And if mom married a woman — that’s OK. It’s just having two women in a family instead of a man,” Elena says.
Elena has great relationship with her daughter, who is proud of her mother and tells her students about her during classes.
In 2008, Elena Goltsman established an organization for Russian-speaking gays arriving in America. The idea was proposed by gay-friendly Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in New York. That’s where prominent human rights activist and chess player Garry Kasparov met with Russian LGBT activists in early 2015.
Elena started her public activity from renting an office in New York and posting leaflets around the city.
“The message read: if you are a gay or a lesbian and you speak Russian — call this number. I also draw matryoshka dolls with moustache. People started calling. Many were surprised and first scared to speak about themselves openly,” Elena says.
Elena and her first dozen of associates started involving new members through the popular website As of early 2016, the group included about 500 people. RUSA LGBT has offices in Washington, Boston, and San Francisco. The organization also started fighting for gay rights in Russia.
The events created by Goltsman included the calls to boycott the Sochi Olympics and protest at the U.N. building when Vladimir Putin, who signed the gay discriminating bill, was delivering a speech at the General Assembly.
In addition, Russian gays who arrive in the U.S. do not know where to go and who to see. RUSA LGBT is there to help them. The organization’s activists give advice on receiving documents, buying healthcare insurance, and applying for free legal help.
Every day, Elena and other volunteers respond to dozens of e-mails and Skype calls. The group has a website and a Facebook page.
Many ask how to leave Russia. “We have no right to answer such questions, and do not call to leave. We only provide detailed information to those gays and lesbians who had already came here and are to apply for political asylum,” Goltsman says.
In addition, RUSA LGBT can draft a letter that gays and lesbians can include in their petition for political asylum as an evidence of being of nonstandard sexual orientation.
“We offer this letter that a person is a member of our community. Of course we cannot write on paper that Ivan Ivanov is gay. We cannot give 100%. But the most active members of our community, those who participate in its events — like demonstrations, movies, parties — they do get this letter from us,” Goltsman says.
In future, she would like to help those who arrive in the U.S. with housing, or at least give them letters of guarantees that are required for renting property. But the issue of organization’s financing is still unsolved — Elena just started the process of official registration.
Authorized entry only
There is another Russian-speaking peer support group for gays and lesbians in New York called Russian Speaking LGBT Support Group NYC. They have a Facebook page and gather on Wednesdays in New York office of American human rights organization Project Reach. “We are happy to cooperate with Russia immigrants. Young people who come here could otherwise never meet. They help each other, and this is very important in a foreign country,” project director Don Kao says.
These gatherings in China Town are attended by about 15 people from CIS countries.
“This group is closed, for the reasons of security, because the group members have recently arrived in the U.S., and they cannot fight their fears. They are afraid of so many things, and that’s understandable,” says Alexey Gorshkov, one of the group’s organizers.
To become a member, one needs to get a recommendation of another member.
“We cannot help with money. But we can help with information. We have certain Russian-speaking individuals in healthcare facilities who come and speak about help in our group. They also cover psychological aid. We have contacts of charge-free lawyers. To those who are legally employed, we give contacts of accountants,” Gorshkov says.
The group has another rule: no straights allowed.
“We cannot guarantee that every new member is for sure a gay or a lesbian. But we kind of scan people, and if we have some suspicions — we will discuss that,” Alexey says.
One of the group members told ForumDaily on conditions of anonymity that some straight people were joining the group to get involved and subsequently apply for political asylum as a member of suppressed minority.
“There was this girl who would come here during several months and participate in the group discussion. We tried to check her as a lesbian, so to say. It turned out she was not a lesbian. But she somehow managed to pass an interview [and convince immigration officers that she is a lesbian]. At the moment, as far as I know, she is registering for a green card,” the anonymous member said.
Sober point of view
Alexey Gorshkov, the same organizer of the China Town meetings of Russian-speaking gays, says that many Russian gays arrive in the U.S. wearing ‘rose-colored glasses’ and being euphoric.
“Unfortunately, many Russian gays are caught by temptations, including new sexual experience… In New York, you can get special pills that would protect you from HIV by 95%. This is how the sense of security goes away,” he says.
In addition, both gay and straight people have equal challenges as immigrants. “I know at least of 10 people who failed to settle down here and returned to Russia. America is not for everyone, and gay life is not easy here as well,” Gorshkov says.
Prior to arriving in the U.S., he worked in a university in Perm, Russia, and conducted gender and LGBT research. Gorshkov was openly gay, so he fell victim to the bill that banned gay propaganda among minors straight away.
“I was teaching at pre-study classes in a university. The classes were attended by school students, future college students. There was this young girl who approached me after a lecture and asked some suspicious questions. Like ‘Are you gay?’ and more. Several days after it, an FSB officer showed up in the university,” Gorshkov recalls.
He said the schoolgirl who was interested in his private life turned out to be a daughter of local FSB department employee. He came to talk to Gorshkov, telling him that he’s in the ‘black list.’ The officer offered the professor to cooperate with FSB — by gathering information about other gay people.
Gorshkov’s life started to get worse. He and his friend were attacked by several young people in the city downtown.
“One of them said we were fag**ts, and not welcomed in this city. We kept silence. And then they just suddenly attacked us. After the attack, I had six stiches put onto my face,” Gorshkov says.
He didn’t seek justice in the law enforcement agencies. Rumors spread in the university that Gorshkov would be fired.
“I was scared. They were shadowing me; FSB officers would dial my cell and ask me what I was doing. I moved to another apartment, to my friend’s place. People in the university dubbed me a foreign agent. I realized I could not live like that and decided to leave Russia,” former professor says.
Gorshkov is now looking for a job and dreams of working in a university again, but in the States. He has American down-to-earth views of life. “I don’t look back. New York is my city. I haven’t had a depression yet, and I hope I won’t. If I do, I’ll go to visit a therapist,” Alexey says seriously.
Success story: Lev Trakhtenberg
Lev Trakhtenberg is a New York celebrity, radio host, blogger, producer, and writer. He moved to the U.S. back in early 1990s, and long hesitated to tell his wife about his lover. So he asked a therapist for help.
“The times were different back then. An American female therapist told me: do not say anything; you will ruin your life. I came out of her office, dialed Russia straight away, and told my wife I was gay and had always been,” Trakhtenberg recalls.
Four years ago, Lev and his darling got married in New York. Trakhtenberg’s daughter acted as ‘the best man.’
“Me and Seryozha have been together for five years now. Of course, most of the people around us, our neighbors in the building we live in, perfectly understand we’re in a relationship. But I’ve never heard any mockery regarding us. Maybe it’s because we’re hanging out with nice people. It’s 2015 outside [the year when Trakhtenberg was interviewed for this article — ForumDaily], and it’s New York, not Voronezh,” Lev said.

Lev Trakhtenberg with his husband. Photo
The producer says he and his husband traveled a long way to legalize Sergey in the United Says, and calls on others not to get upset over obstacles, and be patient. “I know many young Russian gays who came to the United States. All of them do well somehow: some have received their green cards, some are applying for citizenship, some are graduating from colleges, and all of them have jobs. The U.S. has a system in place to help gays who arrive here, there are public organizations, and that means a lot,” Trakhtenberg says.
He gives a piece of advice: don’t be afraid and ask for help from support groups, meet new people. “I’ve helped newcomer guys many times. I can always share information and answer questions. That’s my duty. We are obliged to help each other,” the producer says.
Trakhtenberg says it’s important to attend gay parades in order to educate the society and fight for the rights. However, he opposes too much showoff and obscenities in public. That provokes an opposite reaction, he says — people start thinking of gays as of oversexed and prissy clowns. It’s important for everyone to show decent example.
Important contacts
One of the most popular organizations helping LGBT immigrants in the U.S. is Immigration Equality. The foundation offers free of charge lawyer services for immigration cases on seeking asylum. The hotline for emergency situations, like arrests and deportations, is included on the website.
Currently, Immigration Equality is operating very slowly due to the surge of the applications. In order to receive free legal aid, you would need to wait several months. The organization does not guarantee it will accept your application.
Many Russian gays and lesbians regularly attend the gay center in New York. Every Thursday, the center hosts meetings for gay immigrants (in English and Spanish). Coordinator Mary Steyer told ForumDaily that the center can offer popular individual and family programs. For instance, they have a project for moms-to-be (lesbians). Women discuss their issues and share their experience as they meet in the center. Many ask whether the center offers free accommodation for immigrants, which it does not. But Steyer says they will be glad to share contacts of other organizations, which might as well help.
Organizations helping newcomers, gays and lesbians — Russian organization. All contacts available on the website
Russian Speaking LGBT Support Group NYC — Support group for Russian gays and lesbians — only English-speaking staff here — this organization has some staffers who speak Russian (Irina Mitishchenko, — this is a very popular international organization, has a Russian-speaking interpreter — this organization provides legal aid.
Companies that offer healthcare services — this organization helps HIV positive people and can cover a share of rent payment.
Jobs and education
For those who are entitled to work in the U.S., there is a list of companies who invite LGBT representatives to take the jobs. These include huge corporations like Coca-Cola, Bank of America, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Sony, Ford Motor Company, and others.
In New York, the city mayor’s office website lists legal employment options here.
There are also special programs that assist gay immigrants with getting a degree.
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