Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine served official notices of suspicion to Poroshenko's closest allies - ForumDaily
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Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine served official notices of suspicion to Poroshenko’s closest allies

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine (GPU) has completed the investigation against Serhiy Kurchenko. The notices of suspicion of laundering billions of hryvnias of stollen money by the Yanukovych “family” were served also to his accomplices: former head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Lozhkin, former head of the Ukrainian National Bank Gontareva, the current deputy head of the Presidential Administration Filatov and others.

Petro Poroshenco. Photo: Depositphotos

According to the official papers, obtained by our newspaper, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine has finally completed the investigation of the alleged crimes committed by the fugitive Ukrainian oligarch Sergey Kurchenko.

The member of the Yanukovych “family” was charged with truly monstrous plunder: in particular, by forgery of documents and various financial frauds he stole from Naftogaz of Ukraine, Ukrnafta and Ukrgazvydobuvannya liquefied gas and money worth more than 2 billion hryvnia (at the exchange rate of about 8 UAH/1 USD), also from Naftogaz itself, according to the investigation, Kurchenko embezzled 5 billion hryvnia.

Along with the Yanukovich “family” and friends of the current president Poroshenko the financial frauds were committed also by the ex-minister of ecology Nikolai Zlochevsky, investigation found. The prosecutor’s office charged him with “supporting a criminal organization and laundering of $36 million” by sale and purchase transactions of the Kherson oil transshipment complex, and by the financial transactions of «Burisma Holdings Limited” companies (among the board members of this company are Hunter Biden, son of former vice president of the United States; Aleksander Kwasniewski, ex-president of Poland; Devon Archer, step-son of ex-Secretary of State John Kerry), ofshore companies Wirelogic Technology A.S., Digitex Organization LLP, as well as Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, in which Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President of the USA Joe Biden, is a beneficiary.

However, the financial frauds in which GPU investigators suspect people from the inner circle of the current president Poroshenko are even more shocking. As part of the investigation of the Yanukovich “family» crimes, the GPU today served notices of suspicion to Boris Lozhkin, former head of the Presidential Administration; Valeriya Gontareva, former head of the National Bank of Ukraine; and Aleksey Filatov, deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine (he is considered to be the unofficial curator of the court system in the country) of assisting Kurchenko in illegal laundering and legalization of billions of hryvnias, stolen both before and after the Revolution of Dignity. The co-owners of the investment company ICU Konstantin Stetsenko and Makar Pasenuk are also part of the investigation, ICU is an investment company that manages Poroshenko’s assets.

Gontareva and one of the heads of the ICU investment company Konstantin Stetsenko are charged with “assisting a criminal organization and assisting in illegal seizure of property” belonging to PJSC Agrarian Fund for a total amount of 2.069 billion hryvnias by concluding fake sale and purchase agreements on bonds of a domestic state loan between JSC «Brokbusinessbank» and the Agrarian Fund under direct repo agreements with the National Bank of Ukraine.

Boris Lozhkin, former head of the presidential administration, and Alexei Filatov, current deputy head of the presidential administration, are charged with assisting the criminal organization and money laundering in the amount of more than $440 million obtained through the sale purchase transactions with property and corporate rights of the Ukrainian Media Holding, co-owner of which at the time of these transactions was the current president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

According to investigators of the GPU, the closest circle of the current president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko ensured legalization and releasing of impressive capital and assets of Kurchenko.

In total, as of today, within the investigations of the crimes allegedly committed by the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s inner circle 98 persons received notices of suspicion, including 12 senior officials of ministries and departments, the National Bank and six heads of regional administrations.

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