Project Mesorah’s Trip To Poland, August 26–31 - ForumDaily
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Project Mesorah’s Trip To Poland, August 26–31

This is your last opportunity of the summer to go on the renowned Project Mesorah trip to Poland. The emotions felt on Project Mesorah’s recent trip to Poland are hard to put into words. The 120 attendees all said the same thing—“they never experienced anything like it in their entire lives.” A trip to Poland through Project Mesorah is a special experience unlike any other. Project Mesorah, led by the talented R’ Ari Scharf, has become the go-to place for inspirational and all-encompassing trips to Poland.

While 120 people joined the past trip, Project Mesorah was inundated with calls from people who wanted to attend the Mesorah trip to Poland. In order to accommodate the many people who called, Project Mesorah has arranged a new trip to Poland with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser for Labor Day Weekend, August 26-31. Rabbi Goldwasser has led tours to Poland in the past, and his inimitable ability to weave inspirational stories with life-changing Torah messages makes this trip one you will not want to miss.

Join the Mesorah trip and you will have the rare opportunity to visit Warsaw, Ger, Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, Majdanek, Schindler’s factory, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and spend an uplifting Shabbos in Krakow.

You will be able to daven at the kevarim of such great tzaddikim as Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk, Reb Chaim Brisker, the Netziv, Sarah Schenirer, the Remah, the Chiddushei HaRim, the Sfas Emes, the Chozeh of Lublin, the Tosfos Yom Tov, the Bach, the Megaleh Amukos, and many more.

While the trip is an inspirational as well as spiritual journey, Project Mesorah ensures that all other aspects meet the highest standards. Gourmet meals, luxury coach buses, as well as lodging in upscale hotels ensure that you will have an enjoyable experience.

Seeing firsthand the mighty destruction as well as the visible kiddush Hashem of our ancestors will leave an indelible impression on you, inspiration to last a lifetime. Space is limited and slots are already filling up rapidly. If you book before August 13, you can save 10% on this amazing trip; discounts are available for couples coming on the trip.

To make a reservation or for information, call Project Mesorah at 845-642-3819 or e-mail [email protected]. ϖ

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