Let your child spend an active and interesting summer in New York - ForumDaily
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Let your child spend an active and interesting summer in New York

School year is coming to an end, and many parents wonder how to offer their children great summer holidays, full of activities and time spent with their peers.

Photo: matchpoint.nyc on Facebook

This can be achieved with MatchPoint NYC Summer Day Camp programs. The camp employs instructors who are professional coaches and experts in the sport they teach. The camp’s Tennis, Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Multi-Sport programs allow children of all ages and fit levels to have a summer filled with sports and fun.

The camp curriculum is carefully put together to accommodate the needs of every one of young athletes.

Photo: matchpoint.nyc on Facebook

MatchPoint NY Summer Day Camp offers your child:

  • Athletic development and activities;
  • Competency-based sport programs;
  • Creative teamwork;
  • Hot lunch and snacks.

Every child will receive individualized attention and improve his or her athletic skills!

Sports may include depending on the program: tennis, swimming, soccer, martial arts, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, yoga, pilates.

Tennis, gymnastics, and multisport camp will operate from June 25 thru Aug. 31; swimming camp will be open June 25 thru Aug. 17.

Photo: matchpoint.nyc on Facebook

MatchPoint NYC is a Brooklyn-based sports center for entire family, covering 120,000 sq. ft. It features a fitness center, nine covered tennis courts, a basketball court, a small Olympics swimming pool, a rhythmic gymnastics center, a yoga studio and much more. The club offers various training programs, including those designed especially for children.

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