It is now possible to study for the U.S. nursing licensure examination online - ForumDaily
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It is now possible to study for the U.S. nursing licensure examination online

Private Career School Concord Rusam licensed by the New York State Education Department has many years of experience in training nursing diploma holders to obtain the Registered Nurse (RN) license in the United States. For the people who have a nursing degree – including those, graduated abroad – the school offers a 160-hour Review Course for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses, commonly referred as an NCLEX exam for RNs. This license gives you the right to work as a nurse in the United States.

For the last 15 years, the school has trained thousands of students for the NCLEX-RN exam. This 5-month program accredited by the Department of Education includes the complete overview of the nursing process, Anatomy and Physiology, symptoms of clinical and psychiatric disorders, aspects of pharmacology, methods of research and diagnosis of various diseases, definition in use of nursing terminology, conducting proper nursing care and legal aspects in nursing process. The course is based on the latest NCLEX-RN tests. Students receive handouts which include full information for preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination. In addition to the theoretical materials students receive in class, Concord Rusam offers full use of their computer center where every computer is furnished with over 40 thousand questions gathered from previous examinations. There are different knowledge testing tools, interactive audio and video lessons, links to other related content and many more in this program.

However, besides New Yorkers, there are a lot of students in different states who can’t attend Concord Rusam campus in NYC. The administration of the school took the challenge to help every potential student and has managed to receive the approval of the NYS Department of Education to start the online course for the NCLEX-RN.

The online course provides all the materials needed to pass the test successfully. Students will have full access to the online course for 6 months. Although it usually takes about 12-14 weeks to prepare for the test, Concord Rusam school gives you 6 months to study. Because English is not the first language for many students, and it might take them longer to fully understand the material. Students will also be able to work at their personal pace, with no time limits. They will have access to the online class, where they can interact with classmates and teachers. The course is in English, although, all the instructors are bilingual and can give you clarifications in the Russian language when needed.

Thanks to Concord Rusam there are now thousands of international medical workers who acquired the permission to work in different U.S. states.

Moreover, the school helps students to evaluate their diplomas on every level of the process of getting their licenses.

Come to Concord Rusam! They will teach you and help you to obtain a secure future.

For more information go to or call 212-619-2260.

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Private Career School Concord Rusam

Адрес: 412 8th Ave, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001
Телефон: 212-619-2260
E-mail: [email protected]

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