How to eat healthy in the US - ForumDaily
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How to eat healthy in the US

The most widespread myths about America include that about abundance of unhealthy food in the U.S. that inevitably causes obesity and various diseases. This stereotype has a solid foundation: American fast food cannot be called healthy. However, two things should be considered regarding this matter.

Photo: Depositphotos

First, in any city in the United States, one can easily find groceries selling fresh vegetables and fruit, as well as cafes and restaurants that serve healthy food only. Jokes about commitment of certain cities’ residents, like those of Portland, for instance, to gluten-free meals are now featured in movies and sitcoms. Second, even if you cannot completely avoid unhealthy foods, you can still diffuse its impact in full by consuming special digestive blends enriched with all the necessary enzymes.

The world’s leading manufacturers of such blends include Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics, a company with more than 60 years of experience as a blend producer. Back in 1957, the founder of the company developed a method of extracting papain enzymes from papaya for the first time, and a year later opened a first enzymes production plant in India. The company is now headed by the founder’s son, Vic Rathi, who together with his brother carried on their father’s work. Rathi brought the company’s success over to the United States.

Why good digestion is important

The company’s experts say healthy eating is extremely important for general health. Poor digestion might cause bloating, indigestion, weight gain, and possible malnutrition. In the long run, these issues can affect the gastrointestinal tract, cause skin problems as well as more serious chronic issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, acidity, etc.

Proper digestion is essential for optimal health. The type and amount of food you put into your body determines how your body and mind function. Food contains nutrients required by the body to carry out every function. A healthy digestive tract not only determines how well the body absorbs essential nutrients but also functions as the first line of defense against potentially hazardous compounds and organisms,” the president of the company Ankit Rati explains.

President of the company Ankit Rathi

Enzymes support digestion as catalysts of the process. Thus the lack of ferments might cause digestive problems. One common issue is lactose intolerance. The lactase enzyme supports the breakdown of lactose, the milk sugar found in dairy products. If your body does not produce enough lactase, even milk drinking might cause you bloating, diarrhea, and other problems. Supplements with digestive enzymes help provide the body with enzymes it isn’t producing. Lack of enzyme production is actually a widespread issue. It might be caused by factors such as age, unfavorable environment, stress, etc. Thus digestive enzyme blends are aimed at adding enzymes to the body it cannot produce on its own.

Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics offers different blends aimed at supplementing various groups of enzymes. For instance, digestive enzymes contribute to the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients by the body, and they should be taken with meals. That said, different enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of different substances (fats, proteins, etc.). Systemic enzymes, by contrast, are best taken on an empty stomach. They are absorbed into the bloodstream and help reduce inflammation and eliminate its causes. By the way, it is chronic inflammation that starts almost every chronic disease, from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases to sport injuries.

Based on the best combination of enzymes, the company offers various types of blends: digestive, systemic, cleansing, sports nutrition, blends for pets, etc. In terms of sports nutrition, for instance, enzymes help maintain muscle growth and recovery from physical exercise. Digestive enzymes are also beneficial for athletes as their diets often include increased amounts of protein needed to build muscle. This puts pressure upon the digestive system. Thus, adding protease enzyme will help digest these proteins and ultimately build muscle and restore.

Enzyme-related innovations

To continue their father’s work, Vic Rathi and his brother co-founded Rathi Papains in 1978. An entrepreneur at heart, Vic incorporated the company that would become Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics in 1985. Meanwhile in late 1980s, his brother had formed an enzyme company in India, which Vic joined in 1993 — that company became Advanced Enzymes, for which he serves as the Chairman of the Board.

CEO of the company Vic Rathi

As he joined the enzymes & blends market, Vic Rathi has not only founded a giant international corporation but also made a number of important scientific discoveries. Holding a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and a master’s in food technology, Rathi has created many original formulas of the nutraceutical market, which have been emulated for the past two decades and form the basis of numerous formulas on the biotechnologies market today.

For instance, early systemic enzyme formulas included animal-derived proteases like trypsin and chymotrypsin. Rathi created even more potent blends from fungal and plant proteases. He was one of the first to come to use serrapeptase, a proteolytic enzyme, to great effect in many of his formulas. It is now widely recognized as a powerful and highly effective systemic enzyme that supports the respiratory system and sports nutrition and alleviates allergies and a number of other chronic diseases.

Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics is rigorous about quality control of its products. The company has received a GMP-certification (Good Manufacturing Practices) from NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) and the East-West Technic Group. Its products have been certified non-GMO by NSF’s True North Non-GMO program, as well as Kosher and Halal. In the U.S., the company’s facilities are registered with and regularly audited by San Bernardino County Health Department, State of California FDA, and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

The company has its own state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, which include Quality Control analytical testing lab for physical, chemical and microbiological testing in-house. Specialty Enzymes & Probiotics has several labs around the world.

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