How immigrants can find professional work in the U.S.: Upwardly Global’s specialists will answer ForumDaily readers' questions - ForumDaily
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How immigrants can find professional work in the U.S.: Upwardly Global’s specialists will answer ForumDaily readers’ questions

Life as an immigrant is never easy. One major challenge is finding a job that matches your knowledge and qualifications. This can be especially difficult for immigrants with a higher education who want to establish themselves in the United States as a professional. The rules of the American labor market are often substantially different from job markets in immigrants’ native countries, and poor English proficiency can often become an insurmountable barrier to achieving one’s professional goals.

Photo: Depositphotos

Upwardly Global can help. They provide free assistance to skilled immigrants, refugees, and asylees who want to find professional jobs in the United States, seeking to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and create a US where skilled immigrants are seamlessly integrated into the professional workforce and American life.

The company has helped 6,000 immigrants find professional jobs since 2000. Half of these are in the STEM fields (IT, Engineering, Medicine), with an average income of $45,000 a year. Upwardly Global clients represent 169 countries. Over 3,000 program enrollees have come from the CIS states.

Upwardly Global helps to find job in the US those immigrants who meet the following requirements:

The correct visa and work authorization;

  • In the US for 5 years or less;
  • Bachelor’s or higher degree from university in native country;
  • Residency in California, Washington, Texas, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland or Washington, D.C.;
  • Professional work experience outside the US;
  • No professional work experience in the US (exceptions made for jobs outside your field, skill level, or short-duration contracts);
  • Intermediate English;
  • Computer literacy and computer access.

Even if you think you don’t meet some of these requirements, the company encourages you to apply so specialists could better determine whether you can qualify for job search programs for immigrants.

At the request of ForumDaily, Upwardly Global experts will answer any questions from our readers about immigrant employment after moving to the United States.

During the question and answer session you can find out:

  • how Upwardly Global can help in finding a job in the United States;
  • how highly qualified immigrants can find themselves in a new country;
  • how to prepare for a job search in the US; what you need to know about the US labor market;
  • how to create a successful CV and prepare for the job interview; what documents are needed for successful employment in the USA, etc.

ForumDaily readers have the opportunity to ask questions about the possibilities of getting job in the US, using the form below or in comments to this article. You can also post questions in the comments to the post on this topic on the ForumDaily page on Facebook. If you want your question to remain anonymous, you can send it in private messages to our Facebook page. Send your questions by March 19, 2019. All answers will be published on our website.

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