How immigrants can find professional work in the U.S.: Upwardly Global’s specialists have answered ForumDaily readers' questions - ForumDaily
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How immigrants can find professional work in the U.S.: Upwardly Global’s specialists have answered ForumDaily readers’ questions

Life as an immigrant is never easy. One major challenge is finding a job that matches your knowledge and qualifications. This can be especially difficult for immigrants with a higher education who want to establish themselves in the United States as a professional. The rules of the American labor market are often substantially different from job markets in immigrants’ native countries, and poor English proficiency can often become an insurmountable barrier to achieving one’s professional goals. Upwardly Global can help.

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They provide free assistance to skilled immigrants, refugees, and asylees who want to find professional jobs in the United States, seeking to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and create a US where skilled immigrants are seamlessly integrated into the professional workforce and American life.

The company has helped 6,000 immigrants find professional jobs since 2000. Half of these are in the STEM fields (IT, Engineering, Medicine), with an average income of $45,000 a year. Upwardly Global clients represent 169 countries. Over 3,000 program enrollees have come from the CIS states.

Upwardly Global helps to find job in the US those immigrants who meet the following requirements:

  • The correct visa and work authorization;
  • In the US for 5 years or less;
  • Bachelor’s or higher degree from university in native country;
  • Residency in California, Washington, Texas, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland or Washington, D.C.;
  • Professional work experience outside the US;
  • No professional work experience in the US (exceptions made for jobs outside your field, skill level, or short-duration contracts);
  • Intermediate English;
  • Computer literacy and computer access.

Even if you think you don’t meet some of these requirements, the company encourages you to apply so specialists could better determine whether you can qualify for job search programs for immigrants.

At the request of ForumDaily, Upwardly Global’s expert Tim Workman has answered our reader’s questions.

Question: I live in New York City. Could you help me to find a job?

Yes! We operate an office in New York City. You only have to meet our eligibility requirements to join. The program is 100% free.

Question: I am a homeopath and reflexologist. Could you help me with a job?

Yes! If you have a Bachelor’s degree or higher from your home country and meet our other requirements, we provide support to a wide variety of healthcare professionals.

Question: Do you have an office in LA? How can highly qualified immigrants like me can find a job in the U.S.? What is the best way to search for a job in the US? How do you create a good CV and prepare for a job interview?

We place applicants from LA on a waiting list because we are not currently funded to serve LA. We may serve LA in the future, however. If you join our program, we will provide you with knowledge on job searching, resume creation, and interview preparation.

Question: I am a 27 year old marketing professional with 6 years of experience in Ukraine. I have recently moved into the USA. Will my experience be helpful here? What salary can I get here?

Of course! Your experience has great value. Salaries vary by industry and location, but UpGlo can work with you on salary negotiation once you get a job offer.

Question: I would like to know how to find well paid job in the USA. I work in medical field. Intermediate or pre-intermediate English. I have an experience in working with a computer.

Our objective is to get you the job and salary that you deserve! We offer job support for both healthcare and computer-related fields.

Question: Hello! How to find a job for construction engineer, I am a mining engineer. In which states wil it be easier to find such job?

All of our offices work with engineers and can help you figure out where best to apply/relocate for the best job opportunities in the US.

Question: I am a Russian Language and Literature Teacher. I have been in the USA for 5 years. I am a US citizen. Intermediate English. I have evaluated my diploma. I work as a teacher in a daycare. I would like to work in some other company. What kind of classes can I take for 1-2 years to get a job with 45,000-50,000 salary?

We offer educational modules and other support that can help you become familiar with the US job market and hopefully find you employment at another organization. Our job coaches will also be happy to discuss additional training opportunities, if needed, to re-enter your professional field.

Фото: Depositphotos

Question: Do I have chances to find a job as interior designer if I have 2-years of experience in private agency and diploma of International school? I have a bachelor’s degree but with another major. Intermediate English. We have decided to move into New York.

It sounds like you would still be eligible to join our program as you have a Bachelor’s degree from your home country. Our office in New York would be able to help you build your professional network and target positions in line with your professional background.

Question: I am not sure that I am eligible for your services. But can I send you my resume? I would like to hear your feedback. And could you help me to polish it?

Our onboarding specialists can better determine your eligibility and get you the help that you need. We can only serve those who apply and qualify for our program, as we have limited resources.

Question: I’ve heard that it’s very important in the U.S. to have recommendations. Can I take recommendation from my previous job in Russia if I am just starting to look for my first job in America?

You can! Our job advisers can offer you advice on how best to use recommendations from your home country.

Question: I was working in Russia in marketing for more than 10 years, including manager positions. After moving to USA, I decided to study Computer Science. Now this is my second year in community college. I would like to start working at my resume and try to find a job as software developer. Do I need to emphasize my achievements in marketing if software development has nothing in common with it? And what the best way to write a resume if I am going to change my career completely?

Computer Science is a very in-demand professional field. At Upwardly Global, we have a number of technical training partners that could prospectively help you make this transition most effectively. If you do join our program, your UpGlo Job Coach will help you write your resume to best reflect your professioanl background in support of your new career goals.

Question: My husband and I won green cards. I am a teacher, he is a fitness trainer. We would like to move to New York. What kind of job can we get there and how do we need to start our job searching?

The options in New York are endless! You can begin your job search through our Eastern Region program in New York City. We will make sure you are best positioned in terms of your resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and networking skills.

Question: Are you doing mock interviews?

We offer mock interviewing events with our employer partners. We partner with over 50 organizations, many of which are in the Fortune 500. Our job advisers will also give you mock interviews to help you prepare for real interviews.

ForumDaily readers can address their questions to the company’s experts using the form, phone number or e-mail below. Please note that in order to qualify for the program you need to know English at an intermediate level. Upwardly Global’s representatives will only consider questions written in English.

Ask Upwardly Global

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A Resource for Skilled Immigrants.
An opportunity for America
tel:  (415) 834-9901
e-mail: [email protected]

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