ForumDaily wins prestigious Ippies Awards - ForumDaily
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ForumDaily wins prestigious Ippies Awards

ForumDaily, the voice of the Russian-speaking diaspora of the United States, has received the prestigious journalism Ippies Award in ‘Best Overall Design on an Online Publication’ nomination. The jury gave big points to the modern and user-friendly website design of ForumDaily.

Last year, ForumDaily was awarded two Ippies — in the ‘Best Story about a Community’ and ‘Best Overall Design of an Online Publication’ nominations. In 2017, the jury awarded Denis Cheredov’s article titled Russian-speaking gays and lesbians start over in New York. In his article, Cheredov told heartfelt, Hollywood movies-like stories about gays and lesbians from the former Soviet Union who flee to the U.S. from persecution in their home countries and start their lives here from scratch.

Ippies Awards are the only journalism awards in NYC that honor the best publishers, editors, photographers, reporters, graphic designers, and broadcasters in New York City’s ethnic and community press. It has been awarded since 2002.

The voice of the Russian-speaking diaspora of America, ForumDaily launched in 2015. It is a platform that unites Russian-speaking residents of different states as well as post-Soviet countries. We report the news from the U.S. and home countries, publish success stories of Russian-speaking Americans, announce event calendars for the largest U.S. cities, and help our readers with advice on living in the U.S.

Annual website readership for ForumDaily reaches 5.5 million people browsing through more than 35 million pages of our publication.

ForumDaily’s advertisers include prominent companies in the U.S. market: Fidelis Care, St-Petersburg Global Trade House, Stanford University Immigration Policy Lab, Concord Rusam, MatchPoint, ActavaTV, Russian Cinema tvzavr, RussianFoodDirect, Skyeng, the Law firm of Ekaterina Mouratova, Institute of Career Continuity, ABA English, Global Professional Consulting Inc, ITPass, Tian Permanent makeup studio, Flightbucks, Fashion Point Miami, Astar Medical Group, Mastercall, PassRight, Folk Dance club Kaleidoscop, Hult International Business School, Solex College.

Разное Selected articles in English award Ippies success story
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