ForumDaily website reaches record 4.1 million monthly views in October - ForumDaily
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ForumDaily website reaches record 4.1 million monthly views in October

In October, website reached over 4.1 million views, which is a new record for us. More than 970,000 users visited the website over 31 days of the month of October.

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The data once again confirm that ForumDaily is a leader of Russian-language media in America. The portal covers major U.S. events, publishes stories of immigration, both successful and those that ended up returning home, offers advice on relocation to the U.S. and filing immigration documents, and covers all aspects of daily life of the Russian-speaking diaspora in America.

Website usability and high quality of materials of ForumDaily have been honored with prestigious media Ippies Awards: in 2017, ForumDaily was awarded for the best article about community and the best online medium web design, and in 2018, the experts of the awarding committee once again named ForumDaily website design the best among ethnic and community media.

ForumDaily is actively visited by users from the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, and other countries.

The number of social media followers of ForumDaily has reached over 180,000 users. Our Facebook posts enjoy over 1 million views per month. In addition to our major ForumDaily account, we are also active at our Facebook groups for large metropolitan areas like New York City, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles. In 2017, we launched that covers issues of interest for Russian-speaking women living in America, including adaptation in the new country, raising kids in the U.S., useful information and celebrity guide, success stories and female blogs about living in America.

We praise our readers and followers by preparing special event calendars for four U.S. cities with the largest Russian-speaking communities, as well as by offering helpful advice in ‘Seeking Advice’ Facebook group launched by ForumDaily.

Our website has partnered with leading performers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and other countries who come touring to the United States. ForumDaily holds regular ticket draws for concerts and shows in social media among its followers.

For advertising on our website, please send an email to [email protected].

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