10 things that change in emigration without being noticed

The adme.ru edition publishes the Kimberlynn Boyes blog. The author is known for often telling users what life in exile usually looks like. Here are 10 things that inevitably change when you move to live abroad. We publish in the first person. 1. You are constantly learning a new language. And forget the old one ...

New York v. De Blasio: mayor's impeachment petition gains support amid protests

“The mayor of New York’s policies are harming the city and its residents,” the petition reads. For this reason, “people want change” and intend to “act before it gets worse,” the New York Post quotes the document. Against the backdrop of mass unrest reigning in...

Belarus after 14 years of living in New York told what the Big Apple tastes like

Alexander Begansky from Belarus has lived in New York for 14 years. He decided to share his story, telling about the first years of his life in the USA: about adaptation and people, about favorite places, as well as how he managed to visit many countries thanks to his work. ...

Shop in the Bronx gives customers gifts for math problems

Residents of the Bronx now have a chance not only to "pull up" mathematics, but also to get a reward for it. A student working as an ordinary store cashier launched a game: for solving a simple problem, customers can choose any prize on the shelves. He writes about why he needs it ...

Russians, Jews, Italians: how New York blended different cultures and nationalities into one melting pot

New York has always been a city of refuge for immigrants. There are Russian, Polish, Korean, Jewish and other enclaves here that are definitely worth a visit. It will allow you to immerse yourself in different cultures, taste new dishes and discover something new. The edition writes about this in detail ...

Pay taxes. Important Tips for American Taxpayers

In the United States, the tax filing season has begun. Time.com has collected important information for those who are going to report to the tax office this year. Don't delay filing the tax return The earlier you get started with your tax return, the better. Many accountants may be ...

New Yorker card can now get 10-year-old children and students

Since this initiative was launched nearly four years ago, over 1,2 million people have received the Free New Yorker Card (IDNYC). Mayor Bill de Blasio has now announced three updates to help expand the reach of this city identity program. The minimum age for filing is ...

Where to check time in New York: 8 most luxurious watches. A PHOTO

Clocks in New York can be seen in different parts of the city. Timeout.com publishes a list of the most popular and luxurious watches in the metropolis. 1. Clock in the building of the Central Station This clock is located in the building of the Central Station and shows the time from all four sides. Clock face…

New York City's Best Attractions Outside Manhattan

Millions of tourists come to New York every year and head to Manhattan first. However, in a big city, there are many amazing sights outside the island. The cnn.com channel has published information that will be useful not only for tourists in New York, but also for its residents. Secrets ...

How New York City Skyscrapers Withstand Strong Wind

Journalists from inosmi.ru talk about how New York skyscrapers withstand strong winds, the gusts of which are sometimes very strong. Gravity Engineers of our time have harnessed gravity: with enough metal and high-strength concrete in the frame, the high-rise will stand. A more recalcitrant enemy is the wind. Gravity pulls...

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