You can call the US president or congressman: how to do it and what you can achieve with it

Living in the United States, you probably hear a lot about how you should call your elected officials. Yes, that sounds a little scary. But it's easier than you think. Calling is the most powerful way to influence your reps - more,...

US Power System: How Federal and Local Governments Work

Federal laws in America apply throughout the country, in every state and city. Congress and the president have an important role to play in drafting and enforcing these laws, but they are not alone, Share America writes. “We need the State Department. We need a Department ...

Local Government in the United States: Mayors, Police, and School Councils

For nearly six years, Sandy Evans has urged the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia to move the start of high school to a later date. Evans decided to run for the vacant 12-member student council seat and won the election. It…

New rules for changing migration status published in the USA

US Citizenship and Immigration Services has published an updated set of rules for visitors, including guidance on changing the status of residence in the United States. Among other things, as reported on the agency's website, we are talking about the rules for filing and processing documents for an American residence permit. ...

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