Scientists resurrect animals that were frozen for 46 years in Siberia

Scientists have resurrected tiny extinct animals called nematodes. They have been frozen in Siberia's permafrost for 46 years, VICA reports. Nematodes, or roundworms, are a highly adaptable group of wavy animals that are often microscopic in size, although some species…

'The most depressing city on Earth' is in Russia: how is life there

The gloomy city, called "the most depressing on Earth", is so remote that it cannot be reached by road, and life expectancy in polluted air is ten years lower than the average for the Russian Federation, according to NewYorkPost. In the northernmost city in the world, in…

The planet explodes from the inside: due to global warming, gas flares up in the bowels of the Earth

The planet explodes. Scientists have discovered how craters form in permafrost, reports Novoye Vremya. The icy soils of Siberia are experiencing powerful gas explosions, a phenomenon linked to climate change that is leaving huge craters across the region's landscape. Such gas emissions in...

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