Companies that pay the most foreign workers

Google had over 2500 foreign workers approved to work during fiscal 2016. Many of these individuals are software developers and work under the H-1B visa. However, the tech giant is not alone in finding talent outside of ...

Trump signed a decree tightening the rules for issuing work visas H-1B

US President Donald Trump signed an executive order increasing oversight and scrutiny of employers using the services of skilled foreign workers who come from the US on an H-1B visa. The decree bears the eloquent title “Buy American, Hire Americans,” Time reports. The document also provides an analysis of US trade international agreements...

In the United States, the rules for issuing work visas to 2017 have changed

The US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is advising migrant workers to stop petitions for H-30B Returning Worker visas ...

How to get a work visa in the US

For some, the abbreviation H-1B means nothing, but those who want to work in the United States will immediately understand that we are talking about an American work visa. Obtaining a work visa is a difficult procedure, requiring the collection of a large number of documents confirming the extraordinary abilities of a candidate for her ...

Russian immigrant startups tell why they moved to the USA

The publication talks about a new wave of startup emigration from Russia. The founder of the educational project Elena Masolova, investors brothers Daniil and David Lieberman, a member of the Forbes list of the richest Russians and founder of Svyaznoy Maxim Nogotkov, founder of TrendsBrands Anastasia Sartan, moved to San Francisco and Silicon Valley...

US migration authorities have exhausted the limit of applications for a work visa H-2B

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on May 19 that the number of applications for the H-2B work visa for the 2016 fiscal year exceeded the norm set by the US Congress. On May 12, the application deadline was reportedly expired for anyone intending to start work in the US before ...

Premium applications for US work visas will begin processing 12 May

On May 12, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services will begin processing so-called premium applications for the H-1B work visa. We are talking about those applicants who have applied for an expedited review of documents. The premium processing cost is $ 1. If you filled out the required form correctly, then ...

Only one of the three applicants will be given a working visa in the USA.

The federal government announced that it had received over 236000 H1-B visa applications in five days. This is at least 3 thousand people more than last year. The H1B category usually includes IT workers, engineers, academics. ...

In the US, began accepting applications for work visas

On April 1, the US Citizenship and Immigration Service began accepting documents for an H-1B work visa. Such visas allow American companies to hire a foreign specialist for up to 6 years. The H-1B category typically includes IT workers, engineers, and academics. Visa…

US migration authorities have exhausted the limit for visa applications H2B

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it has received the maximum number of applications for the H2B seasonal work visa for the first half of fiscal 2016. At the moment, the limit set by the US Congress is 66 thousand people per year, that is, ...

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