Hummingbirds are killed commercially for magical rituals

Lonely people looking for love buy dead hummingbirds, dip them in honey, believing that this will make them attractive to future chosen ones. But this practice is not only strange, but also illegal in the United States, writes Metro. On YouTube, one of the witches shows how ...

Billionaire refuses to pay real estate tax because of bird droppings on the lawn 

Tom Golisano, a three-time governor of New York and former owner of Buffalo Sabers, was so tired of the geese that turned the lawn near his summer home into a toilet that he refused to pay $ 90 in property taxes, writes The New York Post. "Last summer…

The plane urgently landed in New York due to a collision with a flock of birds.

The plane, flying from Boston, was forced to make an emergency landing after encountering the birds. JetBlue Flight 877 had just left Logan Airport for Las Vegas when a flock of birds hit the plane. This happened a few moments after the plane took off, writes ...

Emu almost raped an American tourist

An Australian emu almost raped an American tourist. A traveler and his friends filmed how an ostrich “flirted” with a guy, mistaking him for a female. The video was posted on YouTube in March 2015, but only now has it become incredibly popular. U...

YouTube star: owl swimming in the shell

A new “star” has appeared on YouTube. An owl swimming in a shell has already blown up the Internet. The video was posted in the Asian section of YouTube, but it instantly became popular on all social networks. The breed of this amazing little owl is the pygmy owl. This behavior is not typical for owls. Usually…

Eared vulture again visited Israel

A bird has been spotted in Israel that has not been seen here for 14 years. An eared vulture made a stop in the High Bar Nature Reserve, which is located in the Carmel mountain range. This species is one of the largest vultures in the world. Israeli radio station “Reshet Bet”...

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