Six products that will rise in prices in 2022

Like last year, food prices are expected to continue to rise in 2022, especially in some positions, according to EatThis, NotThat! Although food prices remained relatively flat before the pandemic (between 2015 and 2019), there are now problems with the ...

The New Year's table this year will be much more expensive than last: the prices for which have increased the most

If you think that your usual set of products has become more expensive, then you don't think. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of all major food categories has increased. The consumer price index for food for home in November increased by 6,4%, which ...

Contains metal, glass or contaminated with bacteria: US recalls 5 hazardous products

The holiday season is coming - the time when the shopping list gets longer because it is filled with everything you need to eat. But anyone who has recently returned from Costco, Trader Joe's, Walmart and other supermarkets should check their purchases and grocery stocks in connection ...

Salmonellosis outbreak in the USA: in which foods are dangerous bacteria most common

Food safety experts say they are not surprised at how quickly the Salmonella outbreak has spread across 37 US states. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an outbreak involving onions imported from Chihuahua, Mexico has resulted in more ...

Kills 90 people annually: how a very dangerous element gets into our food

Everyone knows that we need to be careful about the food we eat. But, as it turned out, you should pay attention to certain types of packaging materials. In particular, it is best to avoid foods in plastic containers as exposure to phthalates, or toxic chemicals found in many ...

Food prices in the US continue to rise: which rose the most

Consumers in the US pay a little more for groceries than they did a month ago, and significantly more than they paid for the same products in 2020, CNBC writes. A consumer price index that measures changes in how much Americans pay for certain goods and ...

How you can spend only $ 99 per month on groceries in the US: useful tips

Keeping grocery expenses at $ 99 per month or less may seem impossible, but there are a few tricks to making your shopping trips cost you an average of only $ 25 per week. Choosing offers both in the store and ...

Costco, Target, and Walmart: How Consumers View Well-Known Retailers

Grocery shopping is something we all do, whether we're stocking up for the week online, at a farmers market, or at a big box store. Buyers who choose the latter, in particular, have their loyalty in terms of...

Prices in American restaurants have risen sharply: what is the reason

Restaurant prices are rising faster than in recent decades as labor and ingredients become more expensive. Business Insider writes about it. According to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, from June to July this year, prices for meals outside the home increased by ...

Cost of groceries per month: how much Americans spend on average

Food money is non-negotiable; we must eat. And you are probably used to buying groceries and eating at home after the outbreak of the pandemic. However, if you don't plan your purchases in advance and instead just buy what you need ...

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