What is in the American plate: with prices and photos

The American approach to nutrition boils down to one motive - delicious food with minimal effort. They are not used to spending a lot of time on the kitchen and other everyday life. What are they used to eating here? Fragrant fluffy pancakes-pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup. For which the American gets up ...

Morning rituals of successful people: 11 inspirational examples

How do famous and successful people start their morning? The online publication Lifehacker has collected the most striking examples of morning habits from successful people that help them stay in shape. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook. Every morning Zuckerberg dresses the same as yesterday. This…

12 features of life in the US, because of which tourists and immigrants are constantly in an awkward position

Another country is always unusual traditions, difficulties in communication and situations that can be confusing. The USA is no exception. However, it is easy to find blogs on the Internet whose authors are ready to share their experiences and tell you how to behave correctly in a new environment. Now you will know exactly why you cannot ...

Amazon is selling a stun bracelet that will wean away bad habits. VIDEO

Amazon sells an innovative bracelet that will shock you when you eat too much junk food, bite your nails, or surf the Internet for too long. The electronic bracelet, according to the manufacturer, is designed to get rid of bad habits. The novelty will cost $ 199,99. Bracelet…

7 American habits that are considered rude in Russia

Some things familiar to foreigners can shock and offend Russians. Russia Beyond has compiled a list of American habits that Russians will definitely not understand. 1. Chomping while eating In some countries, chomping while eating is normal. This is how the guests show their pleasure ...

10 habits of Americans who are doing well with money

Some habits make us healthy or unhealthy, while others lead to higher incomes. The American edition Sravni spoke about the most useful financial habits of Americans. 1. Remind about deposit replenishment “It is one thing to set a goal, and another thing to achieve it. Helps in ...

7 strange habits that only residents of Southern California

If you live in Southern California, it is possible that you have a few quirks that seem perfectly normal to you, but look rather strange to the rest of the country. Here are 7 weird Southern California habits that Only in ...

8 simple habits that will save thousands of dollars

There are many things that are pulling us down financially: debts, loans, taxes, living expenses ... the list goes on and on. All of this makes it incredibly difficult to save money. And considering that 60% of millennials in America have not put aside their money for a rainy day ...

Four bad habits of Americans, who notice all Russians

Do you have bad habits? Is it just your habits or is it done by all or practically all representatives of your nationality? Well, for example, foreigners often say that Russians don't smile and consider it bad form, a bad habit. So…

What Americans are not used to doing in everyday life

People in the States are different from ours, and all because they "cook" in their own rules, laws, habits and traditions. Today I picked up a few points about what the average American does not do in everyday life, while for our ...

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