How to effectively learn a foreign language if you are already an adult

Many people think that learning foreign languages ​​can only be done in childhood and adolescence. But in adulthood, it is more than possible to master this, writes Lifehacker. Why is it important to learn foreign languages ​​For brain development When people learn a foreign language, their brain is actively...

How to learn a foreign language correctly: 10 tips from a polyglot translator

Kato Lomb, despite the education of a chemist, was one of the first simultaneous translators in the world and could translate fluently into 8 languages, and in general she understood and worked from 16. And this despite the fact that in her time there was no ...

A different type of thinking: 17 mistakes of Russian-speaking people in English

Many of us have been studying English for several years. But it is not given to everyone, because we forget one big secret: communication in a foreign language implies a different way of thinking. And to learn English well, you need to change your thinking. Otherwise, you will make annoying mistakes over and over again. Bright Side made ...

10 informal English words for all occasions that are not in the dictionary

They say that you cannot consider yourself an expert in a language until you master its slang. Zen.Yandex offers you to learn ten great - or at least impressive - English words that can be used informally in a variety of situations.…

One is good, but two is better: how to convince an American child to learn the native language of parents

Moving to another country, mixed families - these are the main reasons when the native languages ​​of parents and children are different. A child often does not understand why he needs to learn Russian or Ukrainian if most of his life is spent in an English-speaking environment.…

Study: alcohol helps to speak a foreign language more freely

People learning a foreign language sometimes find that drinking alcohol in moderation helps them speak more freely. Perhaps there is a reason for this: a glass of beer or wine helps remove psychological barriers and can make it easier for some people to overcome nervousness...

Useful YouTube Channels to Learn English

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to attend English courses, it’s quite possible to improve your English online – it’s fun, entertaining and even free. Knowing English well is not only fashionable today, but also very useful. It helps you communicate with...

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