What is it like to live with a Russian surname in the USA: the personal experience of our immigrant

After moving to the United States, our immigrants often change their first or last name to something more familiar to Americans. The author of the “Queen in America” blog on Yandex.Zen explained why this is so. Next - from the first person. Today I will tell you the secret of my nickname. "Queen in the USA"...

US customs officer detained mother and daughter because of different surnames

US Customs officers detained mother and daughter at Dallas International Airport due to different surnames. According to Fox News, Sylvia Acosta and her daughter, Sibone, were returning from a student vacation from Rome when they were detained at US customs. “I was asked if ...

Ukraine has a website where you can find relatives and namesakes

In Ukraine, a site called "Ridni (Native)" is gaining popularity, where you can find relatives and namesakes, as well as learn about the regional distribution of each surname. After entering the surname in the search field, the program displays a map of the country, on which the places of its greatest ...

Surname of Mikhail Khodorkovsky became a registered brand

Former head of Yukos Oil Company Mikhail Khodorkovsky has patented his surname. Applications for registration in Russia and a number of other countries of the world, according to the publication, were submitted by the British company MBK IP UK Limited, associated with Mikhail Khodorkovsky. According to Kommersant newspaper sources in legal circles, Rospatent has registered the trademarks KHODORKOVSKY and KHODORKOVSKY. Russian-speaking…

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