Travel the world with your loved one: a travel dating app has appeared

As travel gains momentum again, dating app Fairytrail aims to connect travel-ready digital nomads, remote workers and travel enthusiasts for love and adventure. How to travel the world with your loved one, Yahoo! told. Many people…

Rent a house cheaply and without collateral: in the USA there is a service for renting apartments and houses on very favorable terms

In less than six weeks, Lisa Russell moved into six different apartments in three different states. She is a member of the program for inexpensive and quick rental housing for digital nomads, according to USAToday. The day after Lisa moved in in early January…

Moving in two directions: while illegal immigrants flee to the US, a record number of Americans are moving to live in Mexico

A record number of Americans are crossing the southern border to live in Mexico, according to a new report. The Mexican Ministry of the Interior reported that in the first nine months of the year, more than 8000 US citizens received temporary visas to reside in Mexico, an 85% increase…

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