Five Effective Telemarketing Call Blocker Apps

Telemarketers are ruthless and can greatly ruin the life of the owner of the phone - that is, each of us. Here are 5 top-rated mobile apps that can block robocalls forever. If there is one issue that unites Americans, it is aversion to...

How to Stop Spam Calls to Your Phone: Three Easy Ways

Spam is time consuming and annoying. How to end automated calls once and for all with simple steps, according to Mashable. It is wrong that we have become afraid of a phone call, because deep down we know that it is not a friend or loved one who is calling, ...

How to get rid of annoying automatic calls: 8 simple and effective ways

8 easy ways to stop robocalls, according to MoneyTalks. If your phone is ringing with annoying automatic calls, you are not alone. According to the YouMail Robocall Index, there were about 2021 billion robocalls in September 4. While it may seem difficult to stop automatic calls ...

How to stop spam calls and protect yourself from scammers: 8 ways

Automatic calls are not only annoying and distracting from your daily activities, but they can also seriously damage your finances. In this post from Rider's Digest, you'll learn how to get rid of unwanted calls permanently and protect yourself from scammers who might try to ...

Only three times a month were allowed to beat out loans in the USA

Good news for those with student loan debt—and more; You will now receive much fewer automated calls. The Federal Communications Commission has currently limited the number of robocalls and texts that can...

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