Last supermoon of the year: the Sturgeon Moon will rise over the USA this week

The sturgeon moon - the August full moon - will appear in the night sky this week. This will be the last supermoon for this year. Where and where to look, said the publication MSN. The Sturgeon moon is considered the fourth supermoon in a row after the Deer Moon (Buck…

Items worth and not worth buying in August

August is a great time to shop, with numerous duty-free days, in-store sales and end-of-summer events. Money Talks News has compiled a list of products that are worth buying in August, as well as a list of things that are best purchased while...

Weather forecasters promise abnormally cold August in the USA

Forecasters predict a cold August over much of the US east coast. The first cases of air temperatures below the average for this period were recorded on August 4 in Chicago and Green Bay, according to the Daily Mail. In these cities, the air temperature at night was set at around 15 ...

What products are worth and not worth buying in August

Unlike June and July, there are no big holidays or mass barbecues in August, but this does not mean that stores have stopped offering customers various summer goods at competitive prices. August is the second largest period when the boom occurs...

This August is the bloodiest month in Chicago in 20 years.

August 2016 was the deadliest month in Chicago since 1997. According to Chicago police, there were a total of 78 murders (up from 1997 in October 79), and that doesn't count the remaining two days of the month. Besides,…

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