Products that reduce the risk of getting cancer - ForumDaily
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Foods that reduce the risk of getting cancer

To determine the foods most likely to reduce cancer risk, experts analyzed numerous scientific studies and meta-analyses, as well as reports from the American Institute for Cancer Research. MSN.

Photo: Shutterstock

It may seem that the main dietary recommendations for a long and healthy life are constantly changing, as foods that were once considered healthy suddenly go out of fashion, and those that were once taboo become nutritionally acceptable. The USDA dietary guidelines have evolved since they were first introduced in 1894. Mostly because of the new scientific literature and advances in nutrition, it's no surprise that people who try to eat healthy often get confused.

Fortunately, some dietary recommendations have not changed. A plant-based diet consisting primarily of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, has consistently been shown to be the healthiest way to eat and is associated with a lower risk of cancer in countless studies—not to mention a lower risk of heart disease.

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Healthy meals include plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. These plant foods contain essential fiber, nutrients, and phytochemicals that promote our health and fight cancer in different ways. Some are full of antioxidants that prevent cell damage that can turn into cancer, while others contain compounds that can prevent tumors from forming or kill existing cancer cells.

Since no single food contains all the nutrients we need, it is important to eat a varied diet that includes as many of these foods as possible and more. While choosing a healthier diet may not guarantee cancer prevention, much less cure cancer, it can reduce your risk.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Quercetin

Apples, especially their skins, contain a high concentration of the flavonoid quercetin, which has been shown to stop the spread of several types of cancer, including prostate, breast, lung, cervical, and colon cancers. The fruits are also rich in dietary fiber, which is associated with a lower incidence of colorectal cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Polyphenols

Artichokes are full of polyphenols, including the flavonoid apigenin, which studies show may help prevent breast cancer. Artichokes are also one of the most fiber-rich vegetables, which means they may help prevent some types of bowel cancer.

  • Important ingredient(s): folic acid

Asparagus is rich in folic acid, also known as vitamin B9. Increased dietary folic acid intake reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer and breast cancer. Folic acid deficiency has been linked to some types of esophageal cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Beta Glucans

This fiber-rich grain is rich in polysaccharides called beta-glucans, which are a source of prebiotic fiber with immunomodulatory and anticancer properties. The compounds may also lower cholesterol levels.

Black beans
  • Important Ingredient(s): Anthocyanins

Black beans contain flavonoids, including anthocyanins, which are known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can also fight cancer in a variety of ways, including anti-mutagenesis (preventing cells from mutating into cancer cells), stopping the growth of cancer cells if they are present.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Anthocyanins

Like black beans, blueberries also contain anthocyanins, which give both foods their characteristic color, as well as strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants work against cancer by reducing the production of free radicals, molecules that can damage DNA and promote cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Sulforaphanes

Broccoli is an excellent source of sulforaphanes, powerful phytochemicals that, according to preliminary research, may stop the development of certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer, by blocking mutations in DNA and preventing cancer cells from multiplying.

Brussels sprouts
  • Important Ingredient(s): Carotenoids

In addition to being high in fiber, which may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, Brussels sprouts contain carotenoids, which, according to some studies, may reduce the risk of certain lung and breast cancers.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Beta Carotene

Carrots are known for containing beta-carotene, an antioxidant that can protect cell membranes from oxidative damage and reduce the formation of cancer cells. Some research suggests that the antioxidants in carrots may also fight HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer.

  • Important Ingredients: Glucosinolates and Vitamin C

Cauliflower, like other cruciferous vegetables, is rich in nutrients and compounds that reduce the risk of cancer. Numerous studies show that people who eat a diet high in cruciferous vegetables are less likely to develop certain types of cancer.

Seeds of chia
  • Important Ingredient(s): fiber and omega-3 fatty acids

The fiber and omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds promote a healthy gut microbiome, which may play an important role in colon cancer prevention. Omega-3s also have anti-inflammatory properties in the digestive tract.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Fiber

A review of 14 different studies found that regular consumption of chickpeas reduced the risk of colorectal cancer. Chickpea fiber is converted in the intestines into short-chain fatty acids, which are thought to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Cinnamaldehyde

Apoptosis, the body's normal cell death process, is often disrupted in cancer cells, allowing them to survive and mutate longer. Cinnamaldehyde, the main component of cinnamon bark, has been shown in numerous studies to promote the death of tumor cells that have lost their apoptotic function.

Flax seeds
  • Important Ingredient(s): fiber and omega-3 fatty acids

Flaxseed is rich in fiber, as well as alpha-linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been correlated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. Some clinical trials show that flax seeds can also slow the growth of tumors in people who already have breast cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Sulfur Compounds

The pungent sulfur compounds in garlic can prevent the formation of cancer cells, speed up DNA repair, and kill existing cancer cells. Studies show that garlic may reduce the risk of cancers of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, and colon.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Curcumin

Preliminary research suggests that ginger may have anti-inflammatory effects on the colon. This may help reduce the risk of colon cancer, as inflammation in the colon can lead to the formation of precancerous lesions or cancerous polyps.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Vitamin C and Flavonoids

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can prevent free radical damage to cells. It also contains flavonoids, which may inhibit cancer formation by modulating certain cellular activities, including apoptosis and metastasis.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Resveratrol

Grapes are an excellent source of the antioxidant resveratrol, which, according to some studies, may help prevent certain types of cancer, including breast, liver, stomach, and lymphatic cancers. Seed-containing grapes are best, as the seeds contain even more cancer-fighting antioxidants.

Green tea
  • Important Ingredient(s): Polyphenols

Green tea is rich in cancer-fighting polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate, which reduces oxidative damage to cells and may also prevent the growth of blood vessels that feed cancer cells.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Vitamins A and C

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable that is high in vitamins A and C, both of which have strong antioxidant properties. The carotenoids in leafy greens like kale can also boost the body's antioxidant defenses, helping to prevent cell damage and inhibit the formation of carcinogens.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Ergothioneine

A systematic review of more than a dozen cancer studies found that people who eat mushrooms regularly have a lower risk of developing cancer. The antioxidant ergothioneine, found especially in shiitake, maitake, and oyster mushrooms, is believed to play an important role in their ability to fight cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Fiber

Whole grains such as oats are rich in fiber, antioxidants and phytoestrogens, and contain many cancer-fighting compounds. Fiber has been shown to prevent colorectal cancer, and phytoestrogens may inhibit the formation of breast cancer.

Olive oil
  • Important Ingredients: Monounsaturated fats and phenols

A meta-analysis of 19 different studies found that people who consumed more olive oil were less likely to develop gastrointestinal cancer and breast cancer. The researchers think it could be monounsaturated fats and phenols that protect against cellular mutation.


  • Important Ingredient(s): Vitamin C and Flavonoids

Some evidence suggests that fruits containing vitamin C help prevent lung and colon cancer, and citrus fruits in particular may help reduce the risk of certain types of stomach cancer. Orange peels are especially rich in flavonoids and phenols, which have anti-cancer activity.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Fiber

There is strong evidence that eating high-fiber whole grains, including quinoa, can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Eating quinoa can also regulate insulin levels, which prevents inflammation and may reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Important Ingredients: Vitamin C and Ellagic Acid

Raspberries are rich in the antioxidant vitamin C, as well as ellagic acid, which seems to help destroy carcinogens and help slow the growth of cancerous tumors. Ellagic acid may be effective against cancers of the breast, lung, skin, esophagus, and bladder.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Carotenoids

Spinach is rich in antioxidant carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which may help protect against cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and mouth. One study of almost 490 people found that those who ate more spinach were less likely to develop esophageal cancer.

  • Important Ingredients: Vitamin C and Ellagic Acid

A recent study on strawberry extract found that it slowed down the growth of colon cancer cells. Like raspberries, strawberries are rich in vitamin C and ellagic acid, which may help prevent skin, lung, breast, esophagus, and bladder cancer.

Sweet potato
  • Important Ingredient(s): Beta Carotene

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which a growing body of evidence shows helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. A 20-year study found that women with high levels of beta-carotene in their blood were 28% less likely to develop breast cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Lycopene

Tomatoes, especially boiled or canned tomatoes, including juice and sauce, are rich in the carotenoid lycopene, which has been shown in numerous laboratory studies to be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors.

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Lycopene is especially indicated for reducing the number of prostate cancer cells.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Curcumin

Since inflammation appears to play a role in cancer development, the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin, a polyphenol found in high amounts in turmeric, may help prevent cancer as well as protect healthy cells from damage during chemotherapy.

  • Important ingredients: ellagitannins, melatonin and gamma-tocopherol

Animal studies show that walnuts may inhibit the growth of prostate, breast, colon, and kidney cancers. New research on nuts suggests that the synthesis of several compounds, including ellagitannins, melatonin and gamma-tocopherol, may be responsible for their anti-cancer effects.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Carotenoids

Like sweet potatoes, winter squash varieties are rich in carotenoids, including beta-carotene, which have been linked to a lower incidence of lung and breast cancer.

  • Important Ingredient(s): Probiotics

Inflammation caused by harmful bacteria may contribute to the risk of certain lung and breast cancers. The probiotics in yogurt may promote a healthier microbiome by reducing cancer-causing inflammation.

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