Posts by the author Yuri Shotkin

10 outstanding Jewish women in XNUMXth century science

President Bush proclaimed March 2007 a Historical Women's Month in honor of the achievements of women in education, social life, arts, politics, sports and science. Of course, there are fewer women who made their name famous in science than in other fields. What is the contribution of the Jewish ...

Famous Jewish women in the field of invention

Electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia interprets the word invention mainly as new technical devices or methods and notes that the majority of inventors are engineers who create technical innovations based on the discoveries of scientists. The word invention is translated into English as invention, and in that ...

Polish and Hungarian Anne Frank Diaries

Just like Anne Frank, whose diary is known to the whole world, Rutka Lasker and Eve Heyman were 13 years old during the terrible time of the Holocaust, which left them, like Anne Frank, no chance to survive. Their diaries, still little known, amazing documents of the time, ...

Famous Jews on Broadway

America gave the world two undoubted cultural achievements: this is jazz, and this is a musical. The role of the Jews in both cases is significant. I have already written about the Jewish stars of American jazz in Forum (No. 177). Jazz was born in New Orleans. The Musical-in New York on Broadway ...

Famous Jewish geeks

To begin with, I will quote Doctor of Psychology Dmitry Ushakov, who in the article “Where do child prodigies come from and where do they go” (newspaper “School Psychologist” No. 18/2008) writes: “First, let’s define the terms. A child prodigy differs from a gifted or highly gifted child not by the degree of giftedness. If giftedness is...

Famous Jews on postage stamps

The idea to write such an essay came to me when I got acquainted with the magnificently published book by Ronald Eisenberg "The Jewish World in Stamps" with the subtitle "4000 Years of Jewish Civilization on Postage Stamps." The main parts of this book, richly illustrated with vintage miniatures from different countries, include ...

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