Records of the author Lilit Bagdasarova

About those who were not in America, but at the same time hates her

All that I will now tell you about has nothing to do with a good life either in America, or in France, or in Somalia - the country is not at all important. I emphasize this at once in order to avoid moralizing and accusations of something patriotic abroad. 27 years…

Why do tourists have an erroneous opinion about the USA

The United States of America is 50 different states, 50 different mini-states within one, 50 different worlds, 50 different dialects, cultures and traditions. However, newly minted tourists, the very ones who were lucky enough to visit the "dream country", very often remain disappointed. Why? Let's start with ...

Los Angeles is too tough

 Los Angeles is not for everyone's teeth, as sad as it sounds. Before moving to this city, you need to think very well, taking into account a lot. So, you shouldn't come here if: 1. You DO NOT plan in this life ...

9 Los Angeles Facts That Surprised Me

Los Angeles accepted me for permanent residence a little over a year ago, but during this short time it managed to become a real home. I drove here, sharing the opinion of the average person on the planet: cool city, warmth, Hollywood, ocean, everything is beautiful. I didn't know anymore about ...

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