Maksym Pastushenko — a Ukrainian retoucher and colorist that gained fame in the U.S.

In the global field of retouching, very few other experts in the field are as sought after and well-recognized as Maksym Pastushenko, a Ukrainian retoucher that has lended his talents to some of the most iconic magazines and global publications…

More and more countries buy goods from Moscow every year: what is the secret of Russian export success

Moscow is one of the world’s fastest-developing capital cities. By the end of 2020, it had become one of Europe’s top 10 megacities, gained 26 points on the global financial centers rating, took second place among the world’s largest cities…

Six strategies to help you sell out your next big live show

Now that live concerts are kicking off again, it’s time to try and get people to come out and enjoy your show. As a musician, you need to build hype and get people excited about your shows so that you…

‘Where can I travel right now?’: List of Best Places to Travel amidst Covid-19

Up to this point, travel was confined almost everywhere on the planet. There’s been an adjustment of the tide since social media began immersing us with get-away vacay photos of the flawless white seashores of the Maldives and shining views…

One of the most popular cars in the U.S.: what you need to know about Honda Accord

Soon after the Japanese car manufacturer of Honda entered the American market, it released a fine series of sedans and hatchbacks under the name of Accord. Right from the beginning, this car’s purpose was clear which was to satisfy all…

Three Stories of our Immigrants, who Got in Jail for Illigal Immigration

As promised during his election campaign, President Donald Trump has launched a massive attack against illegal immigration. According to The Washington Post, the U.S. is now home to about 11 million illegal immigrants. Any one of them might get arrested:…

Information You Control: How We Will Read News in the Future

No matter how hard the journalists try, local residents always know better what is happening on their street or in the city. Platform Avalanches makes it possible to exchange this knowledge and always keep track of events. This is a…

Military Children. How Professional Dance Instructor Saved My Daughter

I lost my husband five years ago, Devin Donnelly, who was a Colonel, Medical Chief, and OBGYN doctor in the Air Force. He left this world because he could not deal with his depressions anymore; service in Afghanistan had changed…

Personal Experience: How We’ve Chosen a School for a Russian-Speaking Child in San Francisco

After moving to the USA, we settled in San Francisco. Despite the use of English outside the home, Russian was always spoken in our family in everyday life — we are trying not to lose touch with our native culture.…

Situations where the immigration lawyer’s help is absolutely necessary

Immigration law is one of the most challenging and complex areas of law in the United States. Besides knowledge and professionalism, an attorney who chose this field has to be able to respond to changes in the applicant’s life quickly,…

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