You Can Start Career in Healthcare in Just 12 Weeks: Enroll in Multyprep Course - ForumDaily
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You Can Start Career in Healthcare in Just 12 Weeks: Enroll in Multyprep Course

Start Your Career in Healthcare in Just 12 weeks! Thousands of open positions in all 50 states, with a starting salary of $1000-$1500/week, no college degree is required.

Photo provided by Multyprep

Program Overview:

  • Multyprep Inc. provides a 12-week program designed to prepare students for a career in Sterile Processing.
  • Classes are conducted conveniently over, making it accessible to a wider audience.
  • The program boasts a high success rate in helping students pass certification exams and secure jobs.
  • All instructors are registered and licensed Sterile Processing Technicians with experience in both healthcare facilities and education.

“The idea behind Multyprep’s course is very straightforward: we take individuals who aspire to pursue a medical career in the US but cannot afford to go to college and help them become specialists with promising prospects in the sought-after field of Sterile Processing,” explained Multyprep founder Gelya Kotlyar.

A Sterile Processing Technician, or sterile processing tech, is a health care professional who performs sterilization processes in a surgical environment. A Sterile Processing Technician uses specialized equipment, such as an autoclave, to ensure all surgical instruments and materials are sterile and safe to use on the patient.

To become a Sterile Processing Technician, you must complete training, and pass the CRCST (Certified Registered Central Service Technician) exam. Examinees have three hours to answer the 150 questions. The Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) or the Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD) offer the necessary certification exam.

Why choose Multyprep, Inc

Multyprep, INC. offers a comprehensive learning package that includes:

  1. Sterile Processing Technician courses (available in both English and Russian) that will enable you to start your medical career in the USA in just 12 weeks.
  2. Assistance with resumes writing.
  3. Job interview preparation workshops.
  4. Consultations and support provided until you secure a job and during initial months of employment.

The Sterile Processing Technician Course with Multyprep is a preparation course for the CRCST certification exam.

During the training, students get access to over 1,000 practice questions, which helps them familiarize themselves with the test environment and build confidence in their knowledge.

Start dates and duration:

  • April 6th (classes run from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays);
  • April 22nd (classes from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

The classes are taught in English, requiring at least an intermediate level of proficiency. Furthermore, you’ll improve your English and start communicating with more confidence.

To enroll in the Sterile Processing Technician course at Multyprep, click here. The school offers the opportunity to attend the first lesson for free to help you determine if this format suits your needs.

Photo provided by Multyprep

For Gelya Kotlyar, graduates of Multyprep are more than just names on a list. She sincerely roots for their success, maintaining constant communication with them beyond work hours, assisting with resume writing, teaching self-presentation skills, supporting them during challenging times, and celebrating their achievements when they receive job offers. On average, Multyprep’s graduates secure employment as a Sterile Technician within three months of finishing the course. It’s twice as fast as the typical job search duration in the US, which usually takes about 5-6 months.

“I completed the course in May 2022, and started working at NYU Langone Hospital-Long Island in August of the same year. Multyprep assisted me with resumes, job interviews, and everything else I needed,” says Ester, a former Multyprep’s student.

The average pay for Sterile Technicians in the US is $27 per hour, with the highest salaries found in states like Virginia and California, where technicians can earn up to $39.5 per hour. Overall, starting salaries in Sterile Processing are typically no lower than $1,200 per week. Additionally, employers often provide attractive insurance packages, including medical and dental coverage.

“I used to work as a security guard, and my opportunities for career growth were limited. After completing a course with Multyprep and passing the CRCST exam, I landed a job at one of the largest hospitals in NYC. Within a year, I was promoted to supervisor, and now I’m celebrating my 4-year anniversary as a manager!” shares Jason.

Program Details:

  • Tuition fees are budget-friendly, with payment plans available for eligible students;
  • Visit school’s website for details;
  • The program offers study materials, including class time, handbooks, workbooks, audio books, test questions, and PowerPoint presentations;
  • Employment opportunities are available in all states;
  • After passing the exam graduates receive Certificate validating his/her eligibility to work as a Sterile Processing Technician in any US state;
  • Knowledge and skills for securing a job in the US within a few months, with a starting salary of $1,200/week;
  • A professionally crafted resume tailored to the US standards;
  • Skills to successfully navigate job interview process in the US;
  • New friends and mentors who will support your professional growth and development.

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Multyprep Inc

phone:+1 917 945 9506

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