Are You Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid? Here's What You Should Know - ForumDaily
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Are You Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid? Here’s What You Should Know

Some people qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare covers seniors age 65 or older, and those under 65 with certain disabilities. Medicaid helps people who have a low income pay for their health care costs. If you qualify for both, you are “dual eligible.”

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Health plans for dual eligibles, such as Fidelis Dual Advantage, offer one point of contact for your coverage and make it easier to use your benefits. Here are three important facts about dual-eligible plans:

1. Are available year-round

You can sign up in a dual-eligible plan year-round. If you’re already a member of one of these plans, you can select a new plan quarterly. People with Medicare alone can sign up in new plans only once a year or during certain life events, such as when they turn 65 years old.

2. Help you avoid gaps in coverage

Sometimes, Medicare benefits don’t cover all the care you need. This means there is a “gap” between the care you need and the care that is covered. If you had a gap, you would have to pay out of pocket. Dual-eligible plans can use your Medicaid benefits to fill such gaps. By filling these gaps, you pay less for the care you need.

3. Can offer health support from Care Managers

Some dual-eligible plans offer help managing your health. Care Managers could help you coordinate the care you receive. This way, doctors work as a team, which can help you be healthier. They also can make using your insurance easier, and can help you find resources in your community.

If you would like to learn more about Fidelis Dual Advantage, visit or speak with one of our Licensed Sales Representatives. They can meet with you in your home, answer your questions, and help you find the coverage that’s right for you.

Call 1-800-860-8707 (TTY: 711) to speak with a Representative over the phone, or to arrange an in-person meeting.

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