5 Great Things to Know About Child Health Plus - ForumDaily
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5 Great Things to Know About Child Health Plus

From the first months of life to the teen years, every child deserves quality health care. That’s why there’s Child Health Plus, New York State’s quality, affordable health insurance program available any time of year for kids up to age 19.

Photo: Depositphotos

Even though it’s been available to New York State residents since 1991, with more than 390,000 children enrolled statewide, many New Yorkers still don’t realize they can take advantage of this program.

If you are looking for health coverage for your children, here are five things to know about Child Health Plus:

1. You can sign up for Child Health Plus year-round. No need to wait for open enrollment – you can enroll your children today!

2. It’s NOT limited based on income. Children can be enrolled regardless of family income, so long as they are under the age of 19. Monthly premiums vary based on income and can be free or as low as $9 per month.

3. There are no copays or deductibles. All preventive care is fully covered, including well child visits, immunizations, and diagnostic testing. The coverage also extends to visits with specialists your child may need for any diagnosed conditions.

Photo: Depositphotos

4. Dental, vision, and hearing care are included. Child Health Plus allows children to access dental, vision, hearing, and even speech care.

5. Your child is covered in an emergency. If your kids or teens participate in sports or other high-energy activities, you might wonder what would happen should your child needed an ambulance ride or emergency room visit to treat an injury. Not only does Child Health Plus cover this kind of emergency care, it also covers x-rays and any subsequent care your child may need to properly recover, and get back in the game as quickly as possible.

For more information on Child Health Plus, visit fideliscare.org/everychildcovered.

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Selected articles in English Fidelis Care Child Health Plus
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